Friday, April 9, 2010

Obsessed with...

Today is kind of a gloomy and dull sort of day. I thought I'd share some of the things that I am currently obsessed with, and maybe if you read this, you can share some of your faves and we can all be obsessed together! :)

Obsession #1Aveda "Comforting" tea

This tea is so amazing and relaxing, and I have become almost addicted to it. Obviously it's like a million dollars. Figures. It's $24 US, but ~$40 Cdn. I should know, since I was a dummy, and bought a jar at the beginning of the year (I was desperate!). You can buy the individual tea bags, too, but their missing an ingredient or two, and it just doesn't taste as good as the loose leaf version. Since I have champagne taste on a beer budget, I have made my own concoction which is 99.9% identical to the stuff you buy from the Aveda store. Hooray! Here is the recipe (borrowed from someone online):

  • 1-1/4 cup Licorice root (can buy here)
  • 1 cup Peppermint leaves (can buy at Bulk Barn)
  • 1/8 cup Fennel (can buy here)
  • 1/8 cup Basil leaves (can buy here)
I think it's the basil and licorice root that produces the yummy aftertaste (actually, basil could be a whole other obsession of mine...). This is a perfect "wind-down" tea. 

Obsession #2: Oatmeal with vanilla soy milk and pure maple syrup

Obviously I enjoy the little things in life, such as a bowl of hot oatmeal every morning. My favourite way to prepare this recipe is to bowl 1/4 of oats in 3/4 cup of water until the water has almost dissolved. Then I pour in a splash of vanilla soy, and blend until the oatmeal's creamy. Then I add a teaspoon or two of pure NS maple syrup, and a sprinkle of cinnamon! So good. I'm hungry.

Obsession #3: Seriously-real reality TV

Shows like Hoarding, Obsessed, Intervention (pretty much anything on A&E), Birth Stories (don't judge), 16 and Pregnant, etc. The only downfall to watching the first 3 shows I listed is that they can be kind of draining. So, I pair them with an episode of something of the lighter fare afterwards (i.e. Dancing with the Stars)! I think the secret's out that I really appreciate TV...

Obsession #4: Going into stores, trying on shoes and outfits I cannot afford, and then hunting them down on eBay for a lower price

This obsession is turning into a bit of a sickness. Plus, sales associates are starting to get annoyed with me. There is a particular shoe store here that I regularly frequent, try on like 3 pairs of shoes, put them "on hold", and never come back to buy them. It's rude, I know. I think it's the research-lover in me, but I get such a rush out of finding the exact same item for less. If anyone ever needs a price comparison, I'm your girl! I should mention that since I am currently a student, clothes and shoes are not in my budget. So even when I find the discount item I am looking for, I still don't buy it. I flag it, and save it for when I have some cash dedicated to such "variable expenses". The sad part is, by the time I have some money so spend on stuff like this, the item will probably be out of style. Oh well. :)

Obsession #5: Chat-roulette

If you're on chat-roulette, you're either a pervy-mervy, or you're in the red-zone of boredom. If you do find yourself in said zone, it can actually be a pretty fun time. 

Obsession #6: Orange-flavoured dark chocolate

I'm not much of an orange flavour kind of girl...I don't even buy orange Lysol (I opt for the seems cleaner and packed with more antibacterial power). However, I am really into orange-flavoured dark chocolate. I think it's the spices, too. My favourite brand is Green and Black's "Maya Gold". It's soooo good. If you're into dark chocolate, and don't mind paying $5 a bar for it, try it out. 

Obsession #7: Shih Tzu's

I YouTube them, I Google Image them, I search them out on Kijiji, I talk to them when I see them on the streets (Do their owners think I am weird? Without a doubt), talk about what I would name my Shih's getting a bit excessive. I really want to get a dog, but hopefully I will have a full time job in a few months, and could not bear to leave the little guy home alone in an apartment for 8 hours. Too cruel. My family dog goes outside whenever he wants, has a whole house to roam around in when nobody's home, and gets a few runs in the forest by our house every day. I couldn't imagine giving my dog anything less than this. So for now, I will have to wait. And think of potential Halloween costumes I could dress my Shih Tzu in. :)

Obsession #8:

Perfect for running outdoors. Allows you to map your run, calculate the distance, and displays other pre-saved runs in the area created by other users. 

Obsession #9: Expensive water

Smart Water, Fiji, Vos, to name a few. This obsession is an unexplainable oxymoron: I am a coupon-a-holic and the grocery store, love discount shopping online, yet have no problem shelling out $5 for 500 ml of trendy water. Hmmm....

Obsession #10: RSS feeds

I know I'm a little late to the game, but I am really into RSS feeds lately. Dynamic, pulls all the info for me - what more could you want?

Hope everyone has a nice weekend!



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