Monday, April 19, 2010

"Dude, sick Uggs."

I am not going to pretend I hate Uggs, because I really don't. I've never owned a pair because I could never rationalize paying $300 for boots that didn't start with Christian and end with Louboutin (in which case I would totally shell out $300). I feel like if I were to jump on board the Ugg train right now, I would be a bit tardy for the party.

I think it's the whole uggitude that girls have when they wear Uggs that bugs me. It's the slouchy, slob-kabob, apathetic thing they have going on. I dunno. It's kinda icky. Very..."Kesha-esque". You just want to anonymously yell "shower!", and then hide behind a tree.

If you are capable of wearing Uggs for what they are - casual winter footwear, then you're golden. Just make sure to check your uggitude at the door. Uggs are amazing for casual winter events, such as getting groceries in January, going to a movie with friend when you're wearing leggings and don't want to wear high heeled boots, or walking your dog.

My rhetoric throughout this post has been kinda flip-floppy, and I guess that's because I go back and forth as to whether I am un Uggs supporter. However, make no mistake - the only thing worse than girls wearing Uggs is GUYS wearing Uggs. I cannot deal with this trend. Take a perusal through the little gallery below to form your own opinion.

Note: I must advise that I am not meaning to offend, this is just my personal stance. :)

Above: Urban-chic Uggs guy. Probably going to pick up his dry cleaning.

Above: Just-rolled-out-of-bed-but-still-sloppy Uggs guy.

Above: Semi-drunk Uggs guy. He looks British to me.

Above: Way-too-good looking-to-be-wearing-Uggs, Uggs guy.

Above: Sidney and Peter Klaven. Can't harp on Sidney. This is one of my favourite movies. He gets a pass...this time.


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