Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Earth Day 2010

As you're all probably aware, tomorrow is Earth Day! Normally I don't really celebrate (or acknowledge, really) Earth Day because 1) I forget, and 2) I try to live relatively "green" the other 364 days.

I've been reading some really cool articles about what single, young females can contribute. Sometimes it's hard to recognize the benefits of our individual actions and the see changes our efforts are producing. But, without the power of 1 we wouldn't have the power of 100, 1000, or 1 million!

Here are my plans to "do my part" for Earth Day 2010:

1. Using no lights (which will kinda fun because I love candles)
2. Walking to where I need to go, or using public transportation when necessary
3. Using my own mug for coffee/tea, and using a reusable water bottle
4. Limiting my shower time to under 5 minutes, and only once throughout the day (I usually take 2 or showers)
5. Going meatless, dairy-less for the day
6. Limiting TV time to 1 hr, limiting internet time to when necessary (need it for school work)
7. Using reusable containers to transport and store food throughout the day
8. Be mindful of the amount of garbage I accumulate throughout the day
9. Try to limit the amount of time I use the stove and oven

I can't turn the temperature in my apartment (it's pre-set by my landlord), or I would do this too. I know I'm not out there planting trees, but every little bit helps I think!

Happy Earth Day!

Above: Our pretty planet :)


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