Do you ever feel like just when you have it all together - everything seems to be balanced in your life, and then a small change occurs and the whole pyramid crumbles? That happened to me this weekend. I totally had everything together, and within an hour everything was off-balance. I think it was a cupcake that ruined my balance pyramid this weekend. It was all down-hill from there...
The following "supports" form the structure of my balance pyramid (I made up this theory - it's the best description I could think of to explain what I mean):
- Friends
- Family
- Nutrition
- Exercise
- Money/Financial situation
- Romantic relationship
- Overall health (medical concerns)
When all 7 of these supports are "good", then I am happy, fulfilled, and feel balanced. However, if for example, my romantic relationship is suffering, then it affects my nutrition (eat crappy foods), exercise (I don't), money/financial situation (I'll go shopping, or spend money on stupid things), friends (not as fun, socially), and family (I complain, they worry about me). It's a horrible cycle!
I've been thinking about balance for the past couple of years, and I've come to the consensus that it's not possible to achieve a constant state of balance. It's how you deal with individual stressors, and not let them affects other aspects of your life that is a better indication of how well you manage balance. What do you guys think? Am I really off here? I also think achieving balance is something you get better at over time. I'm 24 - really, what do I know about balance. Not married, don't have kids, don't own a car, don't own a house, don't have a mortgage and other big bills, haven't experienced majour deaths in the family or illnesses, haven't started my career, etc. I acknowledge that I'm a novice to the game, for sure.
If anyone has any good tips of managing and maintaining balance, please share! The blogging community is an untapped resource of knowledge - I'm learning so much from other people's experiences and advice.
To end, here is someone who clearly has it together. Maybe I should invest in crystals?
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