Thursday, July 29, 2010

Well that was fun.

It's ova! Passed my Masters. :) When I walked out of the room when it was all done, all I could think about was "now what do I do?" Then this thought occurred: "Well it wasn't THAT bad...I could probably do more school." Umm as if I would be saying that a mere 2 weeks ago. Us women really are programmed to forget pain, haha.

Here's a run-down of my day:

7 am. Wake-up. Get ready. Exercise some positive self-talk. "You so got this one Britt." "Totally, right. Thanks Britt."

8 am. Breaky. Whole wheat bagel with tommy's and cukes. Big coffee.

9 am. Prepared the room for my defense.

11 am. After an hour or so of questions from the panel, it was decided that I passed with no revisions! Yipee!

12 pm. Lunch at a Greek restaurant. Not so good. They frigging put potatoes in my horiatiki salad! Who does that?! Bought some ju-jubes after - hey, why not.

To be continued...


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