Thursday, July 29, 2010

Well that was fun.

It's ova! Passed my Masters. :) When I walked out of the room when it was all done, all I could think about was "now what do I do?" Then this thought occurred: "Well it wasn't THAT bad...I could probably do more school." Umm as if I would be saying that a mere 2 weeks ago. Us women really are programmed to forget pain, haha.

Here's a run-down of my day:

7 am. Wake-up. Get ready. Exercise some positive self-talk. "You so got this one Britt." "Totally, right. Thanks Britt."

8 am. Breaky. Whole wheat bagel with tommy's and cukes. Big coffee.

9 am. Prepared the room for my defense.

11 am. After an hour or so of questions from the panel, it was decided that I passed with no revisions! Yipee!

12 pm. Lunch at a Greek restaurant. Not so good. They frigging put potatoes in my horiatiki salad! Who does that?! Bought some ju-jubes after - hey, why not.

To be continued...

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Almost done!

Today's Tuesday, tomorrow's Wednesday, and the day after that is THURSDAY JULY 29, 2010 - aka, the last day of my Masters! Freedom, FreeDOMMMM, FREEEEDOOOMMM.

Today's day includes writing, researching, and anticipating questions I am going to be asked during the defence. Oh, and maybe a Pete's salad and a sweaty hot yoga class.

Has anyone tried mango margaritas from Mexi's? They might be my new favourite.

Have a nice day!

xo Britt

Monday, July 26, 2010

Instructional Hip-Hop Video

Thank goodness I watched this before Saturday night.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

What a MONTH it has been!

Holy. Moly. You guys.

If ever there was a short period of time that tested my strength and character, it has been these past 6 weeks. I could go on and on about this experience, but it's been so nuts that I don't even know where or how to start! Lemme break it down:

1. Finishing my Masters degree after 2 years of very hard work
2. My best friend getting married (!!!)
3. Relationship issues (majour)
4. Moving back home after 7 years in a different province
5. Tackling why I have been so unhappy throughout the past 2 years
6. Career-hunting (career-hunting, not job-hunting - sign that you're getting older!)
7. Applying to med school: the saga continues

Yikes. I think this post is going to have to be broken up in to sub-sections (sub-sections = story of my life). I have been soooo excited about getting back to blogging! I have a lot of big ideas to come. :)

For now, the story is not over! I am defending my thesis on Thursday, and if I pass, I will be DONE! Cue music:

Talk soon! Hope everyone's been having a great summer. Here are some shots from my summer so far.

xo Britt

Header Image by Colorpiano Illustration