Wednesday, March 10, 2010

The Great Gym Equipment Debate

I am a treadmill lover. It's pretty much the only piece of equipment I use in the cardio room when I go to the gym. I find the elliptical to be too gadgety (too much coordination involved), and don't really feel like I've had a satisfying workout when I use the bike (excluding spinning, obv). I am a huge Slice network fan, and an even bigger Paul Plakas fan. He's very blunt - brutally honest. I love him. I wish him and Kelly Cutrone (People's Revolution - The Hills/The City anyone?) would get together and have an insult-off. Anyways, I was reading Paul's blog the other day, and came across his article on gym equipment. If you've ever watched him on X-Weighted, you know how he feels about gym equipment. He has some pretty strong views. I support his arguments, and believe exercising outdoors, using free weights and your body's own resistance is superior to using electrically-powered gym equipment.

Here's the article:

What do you think? In the spirit of challenging one's self, I am going to swap running on the treadmill for running outside and see how I feel after one month. It's getting nice outside anyways, so why not. Who's with me?! Haha.


PS - If only I could get my hands on this beauty:


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